A Journey of Passion and Growth

Hey, I'm Noah!

Growing up, I had a natural inclination towards technology and logic. In high school, I was drawn to philosophy for its logical arguments. As a senior, still undecided on a path, I initially chose philosophy and sociology majors. However, after reflecting, computer science stood out as the ideal combination of my interests in logic and tech. While initially deterred by the required math, I realized this field aligned with my passions. My gravitation towards logic and technology ultimately led me to switch to a computer science major at CSULB - a decision I don't regret.

To expand my skills, I have been working as a coding coach at theCoderSchool for the past year, teaching programming concepts to students aged 8-12. This experience has been incredibly rewarding, as I get to share my love for coding while honing my ability to break down complex topics and adapt to different learning styles. Additionally, I've taken on personal projects like developing RateMyMajor, the ultimate resource for finding the major for you.

Moving forward, I am eager to contribute my skills to a company that shares my passion for innovation and making a positive impact. I believe my experiences in teaching, problem-solving, and front-end development make me a valuable asset, and I am excited to continue growing and learning in the tech sphere. Ultimately, my goal is to leverage my technical abilities to create solutions that improve people's lives.
